
Wise Aging Group

Please join Dinah Gilburd, LICSW at the Senior Center on Tuesdays, April 16‐May 14 from 10:30‐11:45 am for this facilitated group based on the book, Wise Aging. The group format and content is designed to support “learnersʺ who want to explore the aging process. The content includes the practice of mindfulness, meditation, listening and journaling. Dinah is a Clinical Social Worker with over 25 years of experience in a variety of- settings. She was trained to lead Wise Aging Groups by Dr. Linda Thal, co‐author of the book, who instilled in her the “passion for aging wisely.” Participants are responsible for purchasing the book through the Center; however if you are of limited income, please let Jamie know.

You also register with her at 617‐730‐2753.

Space is limited.


May 14 2024


10:30 am - 11:45 am