The Heat is On!

TODAY FEBRUARY 6, 2025 – Due to the weather forecast we are advising participants to use caution if going out. The Senior Center is open, but there is no lunch program or van service. Council on Aging staff will be available to answer questions and concerns. 

Monday February 17: Presidents Day: The Brookline Senior Center is closed. There is no transportation to the Senior Center or medical transportation when the center is closed. Additionally, there are no food services available on that day.


Vital Documents

On Thursday, January 16 and Monday, January 27 from 11:00 am‐12:00 pm, join the Brookline Office of
Emergency Management for this very important and popular programing about vital documents. The first session of this two‐part program will be educational and the second session will involve secure scanning participants’ documents. During Part 1, we will talk about the importance of having access to your documents in the event in an emergency, which documents you might need, and how to store them safely. Having access to your financial and medical records, as well as important contact information, will be crucial to start the recovery process. Taking the time now to organize and safeguard your vital documents will give you peace of mind and will ensure that you have access to essential medical and prescription information and it will help you avoid additional stress. For Part 2, we will come back with portable scanners (no internal memory) and we will help you scan your documents into a free USB key.

Please register at 617‐730‐2770.


Jan 27 2025


8:00 am - 6:00 pm