The Heat is On!

Music Sharing Group

Popular music and songs have impacted our lives in numerous ways. Research has shown that Music can positively influence your emotions wherever and whenever you hear it. Come join our new Music Sharing Group where you will share a song that brings you joy. We will discuss the stories, emotions, and feelings that the songs bring up. The leader will have a playlist to start the conversation. Some of the songs include “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles and “Can’t Help Falling In Love” by Elvis Presley. Maryam Hassoon, LCSW, will be leading the group at the Senior Center on Thursdays from 1-2 pm beginning July 25th and ending August 22nd.

Registration is mandatory and space is limited.

Please call 617-730-2765 to register.


Aug 22 2024


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm