TODAY FEBRUARY 6, 2025 – Due to the weather forecast we are advising participants to use caution if going out. The Senior Center is open, but there is no lunch program or van service. Council on Aging staff will be available to answer questions and concerns.
Monday February 17: Presidents Day: The Brookline Senior Center is closed. There is no transportation to the Senior Center or medical transportation when the center is closed. Additionally, there are no food services available on that day.
January 23 from 9:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm Visit the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA with Brookline Recreation. We will be exploring the museum and Anita Kunz Exhibit. Plan to bring a bagged lunch and snacks.
Cost: $30.00
Encore Casino
January 30 from 7:00 am ‐ 4:00 pm Come join us for a trip to Encore Casino to visit various shops, restaurants, and the casino floor! This trip will be at your own leisure once we arrive at Encore.
Cost: $10.00
Blue Hills Trailside Museum Trip
Wednesday, January 8 from 9:30 am‐12:30 pm Join us on a trip to the Blue Hills Trailside Museum! Nestled at the base of the Great Blue Hill in Canton, MA, this museum has live outdoor animal exhibits of native wildlife and an indoor museum dedicated to educating folks about our local plants and animals! The paths we will be on outdoors are packed gravel with some hills and stairs.
Cost: $12.00
Hidden Meadows Hike at Fowl Meadow
Tuesday, January 14 from 9:30 am‐12:30 pm Join us on a hike in Fowl Meadow, a wetland catching floodwaters from seven towns surrounding Boston with a deep and rich history that spans beyond the last Ice Age. This hike is 2 miles long, minimum, and has many tripping hazards such as rocks and roots. It will be muddy and potentially a little icy. It is not walker or cane friendly. Please bring plenty of water and snacks!