The Heat is On!

TODAY FEBRUARY 6, 2025 – Due to the weather forecast we are advising participants to use caution if going out. The Senior Center is open, but there is no lunch program or van service. Council on Aging staff will be available to answer questions and concerns. 

Monday February 17: Presidents Day: The Brookline Senior Center is closed. There is no transportation to the Senior Center or medical transportation when the center is closed. Additionally, there are no food services available on that day.


Fourth Edition of Ask A Geriatrician Is Available

We are pleased to announce that the fourth edition of “Ask a Geriatrician” is now available. The latest edition contains new and updated articles from Dr. Suzanne Salamon’s monthly “Ask a Geriatrician” column in the Brookline Beacon Newsletter. For over a decade Dr. Suzanne Salamon has shared her professional expertise. Thanks to the generosity of donors and sponsors, we are able to distribute this compilation of articles without cost, and provide older adults with relevant health information. Promoting healthy aging is an essential part of the Brookline Senior Center’s mission. Hard copies are available at the Brookline Senior Center while supplies last. To download the 2024 publication electronically, just Click Here!